Executive Search Recruitment in Poland

We help international and local tech firms fill C-Level positions in Poland.

  • Average time to fill an open position: 3-6 weeks
  • 99% retention rate
  • Guarantee coverage

We work with great companies

Advantages of Executive Search Recruitment in Poland

Executive Search is a specialized recruitment service focused on identifying and securing top-level leadership talent for key executive positions. Itentio is leveraging industry expertise, extensive networks, and strategic methodologies to connect international and local tech companies with top management candidates with the right skills, experience, and cultural alignment. This service ensures firms access to the highest-caliber leaders, critical for driving strategic vision, innovation, and sustained success.


Industry Expertise and Insights

Itentio Executive Search service brings industry-specific knowledge and insights to the headhunting process. This expertise allows us to understand the IT industry's unique challenges and requirements, ensuring that the executives recruited possess the necessary skills and align with the company's strategic goals.

Access to Top-tier Talent

We identify and attract high-caliber executives with specific skill sets and leadership experience. This targeted approach ensures that your organization gains access to top-tier talent that may not be readily available through traditional recruitment channels.

Time and Resource Efficiency

Our Executive Search service streamlines the recruitment process, saving your organization valuable time and resources. Our expertise accelerates the identification and selection of qualified executives, minimizing hiring time for hard and critical leadership roles.

C-Level Executive Search Recruitment in Poland

Key positions covered by Itentio Executive Search Services:

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Drive success and strategic growth with our CEO Recruitment service.

Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)

Use our CISO Recruitment service to ensure robust cybersecurity strategies and protect business from threats.

Chief Operating Officer (COO)

Streamline your business processes and drive strategic growth with our COO Recruitment service.

Chief Sales Officer (CSO)

Optimize your sales operations and drive revenue growth with our CSO/CBDO Recruitment service.

Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

Shape your company's technological innovation with our CTO Recruitment service.

Chief Information Officer (CIO)

Drive innovation and align your technology strategy with our CIO Recruitment service.

About Itentio IT Recruitment

Established in 2018, Itenio IT Recruitment agency is dedicated to finding top tech talent in Poland for tech companies seeking contract and full-time IT professionals. Located in the dynamic tech hub of Krakow, we are ideally positioned to fulfill a wide range of hiring needs in the Polish IT market, with a particular focus on software development and other tech-centric roles.

Our commitment is to connect you with the best candidates, ensuring the creation of efficient tech teams that contribute significantly to the success and growth of your business.

The Process of Executive Search in Poland

Our approach ensures a customized, seamless executive search recruitment experience, aligning with your needs.

01 step

Defining your needs

We'll have a brief call to research your needs, candidate skills, and collaboration terms. It will help us tailor an IT recruitment solution for you.

02 step

Search of candidates

We use our network and expertise to find top talent aligned with your criteria and goals.

03 step


We help with interview scheduling, candidate expectations, and, if necessary, contract negotiations to ensure a smooth experience for all.

04 step

Offer and Onboarding

After finding a strong candidate, we assist with offers and stay connected, aiding with onboarding for a seamless transition.

05 step

Start and satisfaction check

Before the candidate starts, we help with final preparations, oversee the handover, and ensure ongoing satisfaction and engagement post-placement.

Executive Search Models

Contingency Model

  • Success-based, payment upon successful placement
  • Non-exclusive, multiple agencies may be engaged
  • Volume-oriented recruitment, focuses on quick placements
  • Transactional service with small involvement
  • Speed of placement is the main priority

Retained Model

  • Upfront retainer fee, followed by additional fees
  • Exclusive, partner commits to a single agency
  • Quality-oriented, thorough in-depth assessments and screening
  • Strategic ongoing cooperation throughout search
  • Time-intensive, thorough process for optimal fit

Our Clients Speak for Us

Chief Operational Officer

Finding exceptional software developers for our team

Itentio assisted us in finding exceptional software developers for our team. We hired excellent professionals who have become valuable assets to our company. They took the time to truly understand our requirements, technical skills, project timelines, and company culture. Based on this understanding, they presented us a pool of qualified technically competent candidates who fit well with our team’s culture. The hiring process was seamless, with regular updates. Itentio’s team was highly professional, responsive, and proactive, readily addressing any questions or concerns. I highly recommend Itentio to anyone looking for top-notch software developers for their organization!

CEO, IT Monks

IT Recruitment Services for Custom WordPress Development Agency

Within the first week of working with Itentio IT Recruitment, the client has already found multiple qualified candidates, meeting expectations. They communicate their progress regularly and provide feedback on each candidate, helping the client make well-informed decisions on who to employ.

COO, Strategic Advisor
United Kingdom

We wanted to hire software engineers in Poland and Itentio did an excellent job by providing us with a number of outstanding candidates to interview. They understood our recruitment needs and helped at each stage of recruitment process. This resulted in the filling of our positions and we had very exciting additions to the team. We strongly recommend Itentio as a reliable IT recruitment partner.

Senior Software Manager, Software Company

Recruitment Services for Software Company

Itentio IT Recruitment’s expertise streamlined the client’s hiring process, adding immeasurable value to their workforce and bringing in skilled professionals that matched their needs. The flexible team consistently delivered candidates on time and regularly fine-tuned their approach as needed.

CEO, Turms-Adrain

Recruitment for Advertising Company

Itentio IT Recruitment sourced the client with highly qualified candidates that met their expectations. Itentio IT Recruitment delivered on time and was responsive to the client’s inquiries. Overall, the team performed beyond expectations.

CEO, Pitchbox

Recruiting a highly skilled software engineering team in Poland

Itentio IT Recruitment played a crucial role in assisting Pitchbox with establishing a highly skilled software engineering team in Poland. Working with Vlad and the team has been an exceptional experience from start to finish. Their expertise and dedication to finding the right talent for our software development needs were instrumental in helping us build a successful team.

HR Manager, OEC
USA & Poland

Itentio is a strategic partner for us. With their in-depth market knowledge and professional attitude, Itentio is able to provide us with highly skilled candidates regardless of the required skills. They are able to cover multiple IT roles in a timely manner. This is one of the best recruitment agencies in Poland that I would recommend to everyone.

HR Manager, Innervate

Itentio IT Recruitment was able to understand our business needs quickly. As a result of that, we have interacted with good-quality candidates for the roles we were after. We made some great hires.

Chief Executive Officer, Productive Edge

Itentio is a reliable Recruitment partner. We have been working with Itentio on different roles: developers, QA engineers, managers, and DevOps engineers. The collaboration process is transparent and simple, and most importantly – fast and effective. The company does its own prescreening and interviews prior to sending qualified candidates to review. They are professionals in their field and know the labour market well. There was not a single position that we could not close together.

CEO, Digital Marketing Agency

Recruiting Services for Digital Marketing Company

Itentio IT Recruitment found a skilled candidate for a UI Designer’s position to join the client’s team within a week, marking the project’s success. The team was very supportive during the recruitment process, providing timely updates and feedback. They understood the client’s needs and were knowledgeable about the IT market.

HR Manager & CFO, Argos Multilingual
USA & Poland

Working with Itentio has been a seamless experience. Itentio has been our valuable recruitment partner for the last few years. They were able to find us the perfect candidates for our needs and help us to fill multiple technical positions. Their excellent service, attention to detail, consistent follow-up and quality of provided candidates speak for themselves. Highly recommended!


Frequently Asked Questions

If you have specific questions not covered here, please get in touch with us at info@itentio.com or via our contact page.

What is International Executive Search?

Executive Search, or executive headhunting, is a specialized recruitment service. It is focused on identifying and attracting high-calibre executives for key leadership positions within organizations. It involves an in-depth and targeted approach to sourcing candidates with specific skills, experience, and cultural fit.

Why should we consider Executive Search Service?

Executive Search benefits organizations seek leaders with unique skill sets and experience crucial for strategic decision-making. It ensures a thorough and customized recruitment process, often appointing top-tier executives who might not be accessible through traditional hiring channels.

Is Executive Search the Same as Recruitment?

Executive Search differs from traditional recruitment methods by its exclusivity, in-depth research, and tailored approach. It often involves a dedicated search consultant, extensive market mapping, and a comprehensive assessment to secure executives for critical roles.

What types of positions are suitable for Executive Search?

Executive Search is utilized for high-level leadership positions such as CEOs, CTOs, CIOs, CSOs, CFOs, COOs, and other C-suite roles. It's also practical for niche or specialized roles where finding candidates with specific expertise is essential.

How long is an Executive Search Process?

The timeline for Executive Search can vary. It is based on the complexity of the role, the industry, and also the availability of suitable candidates. On average, the process may take several weeks to a few months, ensuring a thorough and strategic approach to identifying and securing the right executive talent.

Is Executive Search suitable for small or medium-sized businesses?

Yes, Executive Search is suitable for businesses of all sizes. It's precious for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) aiming to secure experienced leaders who can contribute to their growth and success.

What are the Models of Executive Search Compensation?

Executive Search firms are typically compensated through a retainer fee and extra fees upon successful placement (for instance, in instalments of 30%/30%/40%). Yet, the Contingency recruitment model can also be used for Executive Search.

What criteria should we consider when choosing an Executive Search firm?

When selecting an Executive Search firm, consider factors such as the firm's industry expertise, track record of successful placements, the qualifications of their search consultants, and their understanding of your organization's values and culture. Client testimonials and the firm's approach to confidentiality are also important considerations.

Can we continue using our internal hiring process alongside Executive Search?

Absolutely. Executive Search can complement your internal hiring processes. Many organizations choose to integrate Executive Search as part of their talent acquisition strategy. This dual approach ensures a comprehensive and multifaceted search for top-tier executives.

How can we measure the success of an Executive Search engagement?

Success in Executive Search is often measured by the quality of the placed candidate. Also, their contribution to the organization's success, and their longevity in the role. Key performance indicators include the candidate's fit with the organizational culture, their impact on strategic goals, and the satisfaction of both the client and the placed Executive.

Find Top Executives in Poland

Unlock executive excellence with our Executive Search recruitment service in Poland. As seasoned specialists, we navigate the local landscape to identify and secure top-tier leaders who align seamlessly with your company's vision. Leveraging a meticulous search process, industry insights, and a vast network, we specialize in recruiting executives with the right skills and cultural fit. Trust us as your strategic partner with human touch and Agile attitude in building a high-caliber leadership team for enduring success.

Ready to find the perfect IT talent for your company?

Contact us today to learn how Itentio can help you build a topperforming software team.

Fill out the form below to schedule a free consultation and discover the benefits of working with Itentio. Don’t wait, take the first step towards building your dream software team today!

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